Old gay men sucking fat cocks

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'No I'm cool.' Was the only reply I could come up with. 'You want a beer or something?' Matt asked. He introduced himself as Matt and invited me in. I was kinda nervous when I knocked on his door but that went away when a good looking guy opened the door. We traded a few emails and next thing I knew I was driving over to his apartment. He was going to college in the next town, said he was packed just over 9 inches, and sent a pic that made it look like he had a telephone pole sticking out of his groin. It was from a 23 year old college student named Matt. replies, some guys that had some really weird fantasies, and then one that caught my eye. I said I was looking for a big, thick cock to suck and deepthroat. I put an ad up on a local website for people looking to hook up. Well, I'm here to tell you.be careful what you wish for. What I was craving now was a really big thick cock to suck on and try to deepthroat. I finally sucked my first and then a second cock about a month ago, both guys were about 6 inches and not real thick. I love to watch my wife suck my cock and always thought it would be great to give it a try.

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I had thought about giving another guy a blowjob for years and never acted on it. I am 34 year old white male, married to a wonderful woman. My name is John and this is a true story about the first really big cock I sucked.

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